Kitten's First Full Moon Activities and Book Companion will help students with activities to understand plot with comprehension questions, games, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, phonics, comprehension strategies, sequencing, writing, and a comprehension test with answer key! Kitten's First Full Moon Activities and Book Companion is great for guided reading or whole group! Kitten's First Full Moon was written by Keven Henkes and must be purchased separately.
Roll the dice, answer the question, and respond on the response sheet!
Read the book, answer the comprehension questions.
Cut apart these cute book marks and pass out at the guided reading table to help with discussion questions. Follow up with reader response sheets. There is also an opportunity to illustrate responses.
Are you teaching text to text connections? Text to Self? Text to World? Beginning, middle, end? There are visualization, inferencing, and questioning. Here you go!
Are you teaching grammar? Here are pages that will help you teach this concept!
Place a game board in a center with all the vocabulary from this book! There are 3 more games besides this one!
Assess your students at the end with a unit test and running records if they are reading at this level!
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